1950 = start at 11952 = 7369 - 213421953 = 289161955 = 55050 - 750001957 = 117770 - 1250001962 = starts at 2950001969 = ends at 786544J serial Prefix serial numbers.For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50.1969-1970 = J1 - J999991971-1972 = 1J1 - 999J991973-1974 = J100000 - J2500001975-1976 = J250001 - J3700001976-1977 = J370001 - J6100001977-1978 = J610001 - J6700001979-1980 = J670001 - J7600001981 = J760001 - J9154001982 = J915401 - 1J186001983 = 1J18601 - 1JXXXX1955 - 4 screw side plate ends1957 - stamping of model number at 1250001966 - flat latch ends1968 - diamond grips end1975 - heavy barrel standard1982 - end pinned barrel
smith wesson model 36 serial number dates
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I've carried this S&W Mdl. 36 for a long time now and really just trying to date it. About all I can find out is pre 1969 and post 1962, i'm guessing around 67-68 serial # 7197xx all numbers, no letter. Square butt under grips. Any help appreciated. Value optional.
Just returned from picking up my latest estate sale find, been laying around since 2009. S&W Mdl 38 Airweight few specks hear and there serial looks like 77-78 in that long range of numbers J484xxx. Came with a pretty decent Maverick Leather holster out of Anderson IN. & original wood..Shoots like a stubby, getting ready to clean it up. Pretty dry and dirty. Been in that holster awhile.Regards...
Item [13] is identical to item [12] except for the final 2 p., on the first of which the Waldorf-Astoria illustration replaces 2 recipes and on the second of which a table of calorie counts for various foods replaces the Waldorf-Astoria illustration. There is no serial number.