TrueTransparency is a free software that allows you to replace your default windows borders by awesome skins which are composed with transparent images. Changing the look and feel of your windows GUI has never been so easy.
These files have a unique .themepack extension which is just another zip format containing all of the elements of a theme including the background images, Aero glass colors, sounds, cursors, icons, screen savers, etc.
Free Download Aero Glass Theme Windows Xp
To use these files on an older version of Windows, you first need to extract them as only Windows 7 can natively understand the themepack format. You can either change the file extension of the Windows 7 theme file from .themepack to .cab and then extract the files with a right-click, or install the free 7-Zip utility as 7-Zip can automatically hand the themepack file format.
If your computer is running Windows Vista that supports Aero, simply double-click the .theme file that is present in the them folder you just extracted. This will set your windows border glass to the color of the Windows 7 theme and your wallpaper to the default background of the theme. However, this background picture will disappear when you reboot your computer, so you need to set that as a permanent background.
Most Windows 7 themes only contain a glass color and desktop backgrounds. However, some may contain screensavers, sounds, cursors, and icons as well. The good part is that you can use the elements on your Vista / XP theme as well.
On Windows Vista and Windows 7 computers that meet certain hardware and software requirements, the Windows Aero theme is used by default, primarily incorporating various animation and transparency effects into the desktop using hardware acceleration and the Desktop Window Manager (DWM). In the "Personalize" section added to Control Panel of Windows Vista, users can customize the "glass" effects to either be opaque or transparent, and change the color it is tinted. Enabling Windows Aero also enables other new features, including an enhanced Alt-Tab menu and taskbar thumbnails with live previews of windows, and "Flip 3D", a window switching mechanism which cascades windows with a 3D effect.
With Windows 7, Microsoft introduced a really unique and beautiful appearance for the operating system. Windows Vista already had some features like transparent window frames with glass (blur effect) but Windows 7 introduced a glass taskbar and a glass Start Menu which follows the Aero color. They were very well received by most users. With Windows 8, Microsoft removed the glass effect from window frames and the blur effect from the taskbar. In Windows 10, the appearance has become even less 3D, minimalistic and uses completely flat colors without any gradients. Many users are missing the good old look of Windows 7. Let's see how to get the Windows 7 theme in Windows 10.
The theme is AWESOME!!! You should also write download Ux Style theme Patcher from to make the theme work. I got the theme. I have found and made features from Windows 7 for Windows 10. Check it out -7-Theme-for-Windows-10-660930329
I use Black Glass Enhanced ( with my black Windows 7 theme. Unfortunately, Windows Photo Viewer does not have any transparency like all my other specified programs. When Windows Photo Viewer executes, it runs as dllhost.exe, which is already on the list of programs to make transparent within Black Glass Enhanced. So I'm not sure why it isn't "glassifying" properly.
The first screenshot is Windows Photo Viewer; and the second is Windows 7 Gif Viewer (, which is just Windows XP Photo Viewer transferred to Win7. Windows 7 Gif Viewer executes within rundll32.exe, which is also included in the list on Black Glass Enhanced. And as you can see, it is properly glassy.
You also definitely need the Vista Software Development Kit, which you can download for free. This SDK is needed in any case, because we need a bunch of header files from this SDK, even if we use VC6. If you use VC6, for x86 builds you also need the Windows Server 2003 Platform SDK or the Windows XP SP2 Platform SDK. The directories for these two Platform SDKs also need to be integrated into VC6. For x64 builds with VC6, you need the Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK.
I could have easily added these files from the Vista SDK to this article's demo application, but I am not allowed to redistribute these files. It is therefore up to you to download these files and move them to the proper locations. Next, delete the header file sal.h from the aerohdr subdirectory. Now choose a proper build target, build and run the demo application.
First, unpack the accompanied .zip file with directory preservation. I assume that you have either the Windows 2003 Server Platform SDK or the Windows XP SP2 Platform SDK installed and integrated into VC6. For both x86 builds and x64 builds, you now have to copy the same files as in Visual Studio 2005, without the Vista SDK integrated procedure, into the aerohdr subdirectory (uxtheme.h, vsstyle.h, vssym32.h, specstrings.h). However, this time we will leave the sal.h file in the aerohdr subdirectory. Now simply start VC6, load the autoaero.dsw workspace file, choose one of the non-x64 targets, build and run the sample.
In this batch file, stands for the directory where you installed the Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK. stands for your VC6 installation directory. If you fire up this batch file, the VC6 development environment will be started for you with the proper directory settings for header files and libraries, as well as compiler files for the generation of native x64 binaries. However, this will only work if you have one of the latest VC6 Service Packs installed. I therefore suggest that you download and install Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 6, if you haven't done so yet. Next, make sure that you copied the four header files (uxtheme.h, vsstyle.h, vssym32.h, specstrings.h) from the Vista SDK into the aerohdrs subdirectory. Now choose one of the x64 targets and build an x64 version of the demo application.
Version 12.0-Added startup launcher to handle glass configuration-Added verifying that theme engine works properly on startup-Changed applying permissions program to cacls instead of icacls-Fixed theme changing to Classic occasionally on some systems-Improved service configuration for better compatibility with Windows 7/8/8.1
Version 11.0-Added option to not use Aero glass transparency hack in Windows 8/8.1-Fixed missing system files bug in Windows XP-Fixed potential black screen bugs with UxStyle engine properly-Fixed theme engine detection bug in Windows XP
Your windows will be rendered with transparent borders. This look allows you to see what is behind the border. The key element is the blurring of content behind the glass borders to prevent it from being too clear and disturbing. The result is very smart window border.
No custom skinning engine used. Due to the native nature of this utility your Windows theme is composited together with the glass effect. All features controlled through DWM API (e.g. DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow or DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea) are supported including the taskbar or custom Start menu blur effect.
You can change the look of your windows borders completely without touching your Windows theme or using unsigned theme. This allows you to bring back several effects such as window shadow, caption glow effect, rounded borders or simply change the appearence of caption buttons. You just modify single bitmap in your favourite image editor and everything will look as you want.
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something happened while i was online and my standard windows xp theme was modified to look like classic. Now I have two classics and no standard where do i get the standard windows xp theme from? I have been searching for so long!
Frutiger Aero has its roots in 2003 to 2004 builds of Microsoft's Windows Longhorn (later renamed Windows Vista). Over time, the "Plex" theme was updated, the earliest "Windows Aero" glass borders (though technically not true Aero) were introduced, the glossier "Slate" theme replaced the Plex theme, and finally complete Aero effects were introduced in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer via the Desktop Window Manager (though a registry modification was needed to make the OS's entire UI Aero).
The style used for the custom window chrome has been simplified so that there is no separate template for Aero glass (due to glass support being removed) or for Classic/HighContrast themes. Now there is a single template used for all chromed windows. Similar changes were made to RibbonWindow. 2ff7e9595c