Step 1. Download the ROMMON software from and store it to your TFTP server. Figure 2-6 shows the ROMMON software file asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA that you use to upgrade the firmware of low-end ASA 5500-X Series hardware before you begin the reimaging process.
Step 1. Download the FTD system software package file from and copy it to an HTTP or FTP server. Figure 2-9 shows the FTD system software package ftd-6.1.0-330.pkg that you install on any low-end or midrange ASA 5500-X Series hardware during the reimaging process.
Download Software Cisco Asa 5506-x
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Step 2. As shown in Example 2-16, run the setup command to configure or update the network settings so that the ASA can download the FTD system software package from the HTTP server. During the installation of the boot image, you configured the network settings. Now you either verify the existing configuration or provide any missing information that was not entered before.
This software is no longer available for the download. This could be due to the program being discontinued, having a security issue or for other reasons. 2ff7e9595c